I am nothing don't look at me
My head is down my hood is up my heart is sinking
I am nothing don't look at me
Hiding in my hood feels safe, no where else does
If you look at me I may disappoint you
If you look at me you might see my fear
If I look at you I might see your disapproval
If I can blend in it will be OK
If I can get past you with out a look it will be OK
If you see nothing when you look my way
I can get through the day
I have come from a place where I've been nothing
I come from a place now where I'm less than nothing
All my life has been about nothingness
Few loving words, looks have ever come my way
I need a gentle smile to grow out of being nothing
I need a kind word to believe I am something
I need you to see me, not just my hood
I need to you to reach out so nothing can move towards something.

By Jane EvansSpecialist Parenting and Behaviour Skills Consultant
Twitter: @janeparenting
Website: www.parentingposttrauma.co.uk
Blog: http://janeevansparenting.blogspot.com
Awesome poem, I really like it. Kind of applies to me, even in college, when I'm feeling down and stressed out.